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Annual Pedagogical Plan
for Leading Learning
School Name: Divine Will Public School Batala
District: Gurdaspur State: Punjab
Affiliation Number: 1630834
Academic Session: 2023-24
Principal’s Name: Ms. Kulbir Kaur
School’s Vision Statement:
Our Focus is to provide a stimulating early learning and child care experience which promotes each child’s Social, Economical, Physical and cognitive development.
School’s Values:
Resilience, Aspiration, Determination, Respect, Spirituality, Integrity, Tolerance towards every religion, Diversity, Cooperation, Gender Equality, Multiculturalism, Honesty
Areas of Strengths
We believe that the following are the areas of strength for our school
·        To focus on activity based learning
·        We see genius in every child and try to nurture them
·        Our hard-working faculty work tirelessly on each and every child and polish their skills
·        Well defined roles for each and every faculty member.
·        Promoting quality education particularly to the rural children, the sole purpose for which the School was established is still intact.
·        We pay attention towards the overall development of the child
Areas of Improvement
we would love to carry out the following improvements in our School Campus
·        More and more Smart Classrooms to be built
·        Implementation of ATAL Tinkering Labs
·        Use of Laboratories for students to be made more frequent
·        Digital libraries to be made for the learners
·        Want to focus on learning by seeing
·        Integrating learning with technology
Descriptor 1: Engaging in Teachers’ Professional Development
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Where are we now as a school?
What do we need to do in the coming year?
How will we achieve what we want to do
Who is responsible?
What is the timeline for implementation?
What will the impact look like?
Actionable: Create opportunities for continuous and comprehensive learning
Many Teacher seminars as well as webinars are held regularly well organised by CBSE.
Increase the interactions among teachers of different subjects so as to discuss the best teaching practices
Need to implement all the teaching from these webinars and seminars
·         We will plan the timetable of teachers in such a way that they will be able to discuss the teaching strategies which will yield better results
·         Bring highly skilled professionals to school who will guide our teachers in better implementing teaching strategies.
·         Engaging in conversations with other schools to discuss best teaching strategies.
·         Principal
·         Vice-Principal
·         Individual Teachers
Starting from 01.04.2023 to 01.08.2023
We would be able to implement the best teaching strategies for our students, which will facilitate better learning.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Where are we now as a school?
What do we need to do in the coming year?
How will we achieve what we want to do
Who is responsible?
What is the timeline for implementation?
What will the impact look like?
Actionable: Ascertain the needs for professional development through collaborative practices
Though same conscious efforts we were able to motivate our teachers towards setting smart goals
·         Just continue this process.
·         By continuing the monitoring of teachers encouraging them providing them all the necessary aids
·         Principal
·         Teachers
From 01.04.2023 to 31.03.2024
·         Since the goals are relevant for students they try their best to achieve them
·         Also the measurability factor of goals will help to improve the performance of teachers
Descriptor 2: Initializing Innovation in Schools 
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Where are we now as a school?
What do we need to do in the coming year?
How will we achieve what we want to do
Who is responsible?
What is the timeline for implementation?
What will the impact look like?
Actionable: Creating opportunities for student learning and innovation
Classes from 8th to 10th have been upgraded to smart rooms for better learning
We need to upgrade more classes to smart rooms
·         By investing more money
·         By making students understand the need of innovations
Innovation heads
Commence in April 2023 to the whole Academic year
Students will be able to explore learn and innovate more.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Where are we now as a school?
What do we need to do in the coming year?
How will we achieve what we want to do
Who is responsible?
What is the timeline for implementation?
What will the impact look like?
Actionable: Expand the perspective of teachers to implement innovative pedagogies
Teachers feel burdened to implement new ideas
Encourage teachers to implement innovative Pedagogies
Managing the work load of teachers so that teachers can reflect back on their teaching styles and bring some innovation to their teaching
Start from 01.04.2023 to be reflected on 01.07.2024
Teaching will be more impactful
Descriptor 3: Initializing Innovation in Schools 
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Where are we now as a school?
What do we need to do in the coming year?
How will we achieve what we want to do
Who is responsible?
What is the timeline for implementation?
What will the impact look like?
Actionable: Creating a conductive environment for learning
Since we have shifted to activity based learning most of the students are enjoying their learning process.
Few are still book worms
We want to focus on the students who still do cramming and want to achieve better results
·         By taking aptitude tests giving them case source based studies, Reasoning questions etc
·         Subject heads
·         Computer teachers
·         Parents
Start from the start of Academic Session and access the situation monthly
·         Learning will become fun for the learners
·         Students will come to the school burden free
Descriptor 4: Developing a Learning Culture 
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Where are we now as a school?
What do we need to do in the coming year?
How will we achieve what we want to do
Who is responsible?
What is the timeline for implementation?
What will the impact look like?
Actionable: Keep student s at the heart of learning culture
We are keeping the students at the heart of learning culture
Increasing opportunities for students to learn experimentally & collaboratively
·         Project works to be given to students with common interests
·         Making bright students write columns in school magazine
·         Rewarding students for their innovations
·         Subject teachers
·         Class heads
·         Coordinators
·         Magazine in charges
From 2nd term i.e. September 2023 to the end of Academic Session